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Nätverka på LinkedIn på rätt sätt för B2B-försäljning

Nätverka på LinkedIn på rätt sätt för B2B-försäljning LinkedIn är ett kraftfullt verktyg för B2B-försäljning. Men att tanklöst skicka kontaktförfrågningar och allmänna meddelanden kommer inte att funka. Prefer English – click here! För att vinna i nätverksspelet måste du skapa genuina kontakter, engagera ditt nätverk strategiskt och bygga relationer som leder till försäljningsmöjligheter. Nu till […]

Nätverka på LinkedIn på rätt sätt för B2B-försäljning Läs mer »

project failure

The art of picking the right projects

Think of PPM, Project Portfolio Management, as your project management ninja Before diving intro the story, start reading from the beginning. Once upon a time… In the bustling metropolis of Ideaville, chaos reigned supreme. Projects sprouted like weeds – some promising, some…not so much. Everyone had a ”brilliant” idea, but resources were stretched thin, and

The art of picking the right projects Läs mer »

Unlocking Creativity: AI for Ideation and Problem-Solving

Unlocking Creativity: AI for Ideation and Problem-Solving

Unlocking Creativity: AI for Ideation and Problem-Solving Sometimes it feels like you’ve hit a creative wall. That’s where AI can be your secret weapon, helping you think outside the box, reimagine possibilities, and overcome those frustrating blocks. Get ready to unleash your inner genius! My goal is to empower everyone to understand and benefit from

Unlocking Creativity: AI for Ideation and Problem-Solving Läs mer »

Boosting Productivity with AI: Time-Saving Work Hacks

Boosting Productivity with AI: Time-Saving Work Hacks

Boosting Productivity with AI: Time-Saving Work Hacks Feeling overworked and underwhelmed by your to-do list? Artificial intelligence (AI) can help you reclaim your time and achieve more. In this post, we’ll explore how AI can streamline your work and save you precious hours. Hack 1: Automate Repetitive Tasks So much of our workday gets eaten

Boosting Productivity with AI: Time-Saving Work Hacks Läs mer »

Supercharge Your Emails with Gemini Business

Supercharge Your Emails with Gemini Business

Supercharge Your Emails with Gemini Business Send emails that get noticed (and results!) Upgrade your email game with Gemini Business. Explore how Gemini can transform tedious email tasks. Key Benefits Draft emails in seconds with powerful prompts. Improve clarity and persuasiveness of your email language. Ensure error-free emails with AI-powered proofreading. ”Say goodbye to blank-page

Supercharge Your Emails with Gemini Business Läs mer »

Unlock Your Hidden Productivity Hours with Gemini Business

Unlock Your Hidden Productivity Hours with Gemini Business

Unlock Your Hidden Productivity Hours Are you constantly fighting a losing battle against overflowing inboxes and endless drafts? It’s time to discover the hidden hours in your workday. Well I did, I started out using ChatGPT early and intensively and tried several plugins and browser add-ons. Fun, but the conclusion is a lot of time

Unlock Your Hidden Productivity Hours with Gemini Business Läs mer »

The Power of AI with Gemini Business

Understanding AI: Your Guide to Unlocking New Opportunities

Understanding AI: Your Guide to Unlocking New Opportunities Artificial Intelligence (AI) has incredible potential, but it can seem daunting at first. That’s where I come in! I’m here to guide you through AI concepts in simple terms and show you exactly how it can unlock new opportunities for your business or career. In this series,

Understanding AI: Your Guide to Unlocking New Opportunities Läs mer »

Fördelar med solenergi

Fördelar med solenergi

Fördelar med solenergi: Ren och förnybar: Solenergi är en ren och förnybar energikälla som inte producerar några utsläpp av växthusgaser. Kostnadseffektiv: Solenergi är en kostnadseffektiv energikälla. Kostnaden för solceller och solbatterier har sjunkit kraftigt de senaste åren. Skalbar: Solenergi kan skalas upp eller ner för att möta olika behov. Solceller kan installeras på små byggnader

Fördelar med solenergi Läs mer »